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Jennifer is a specialist family practitioner having practised only in family law since qualification.  She has a particular expertise in financial matters arising out of the breakdown in family relationships.  She studied law at Sheffield University where she obtained a first class honours degree before commencing her career with Mace & Jones (Weightmans).


Jennifer has many years’ experience in all types of family work including divorce and financial applications within divorce, private children law matters, civil partnership disputes and negotiating and drafting pre-nuptial agreements.  She also has experience in dealing with financial applications following an overseas divorce.

Jennifer Walsh

She works with a small team of specialist Barristers in financial applications, together offering a complete package for high net worth individuals.  This team will often include working alongside forensic accountants and pension actuaries.  


Jennifer is a great believer in providing a personal and sensitive service to her family clients, and is consistent in dealing with the matter from the outset to conclusion. Jennifer is a member of Resolution and is a trained mediator, recognising the benefit of mediation and negotiation in family cases.  She is committed to the need for fast and effective dispute resolution.


When she is not at work she is generally found on the tennis court being an active member of her local tennis club or hill walking in the Lake District.




  • "I just wanted to say thank you for all of your amazing support."


  • Ben Carson wrote: “Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.”


  • "Yourself and Kevin have reinstalled my faith in our legal system and allowed an innocent man to return back to his home."


  • “Unbelievable service from Jenny. I don’t think I would be here without her initial and whole outlook.”


  • “I wanted to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks for all your help and support. When I started these proceedings, I had no idea just how punishing and lengthy it would all prove to be. I am relieved that it now seems to be at an end but I simply would not have got through this process without the superb advice and encouragement from yourself and Counsel. I will be forever grateful to you for steering me through this dreadful time.”


  • “Thanks Jennifer, for being a rock to hold on to, in deep waters (so to speak)! You’ve made, a huge difference to my life moving forward and I really appreciate that.  I will definitely be recommending you and your firm to my circle.”


  • “I could never thank Jennifer enough for her complete professionalism and wealth of knowledge and experience.  She went above and beyond the call of duty during a prolonged Divorce and was a constant source of support during such a difficult time.”



Linda joined Quinn Barrow in 2018, having previously worked for two firms of Solicitors, both specialising in Family Law and both very well regarded.


Linda has worked within the family law field for over 30 years and has brought with her a vast amount of knowledge and experience in divorce, finance applications and children related matters and works as a Legal Assistant to Jennifer Walsh, Partner. 


Linda would be described by clients as having empathy and interest in their cases and always willing to lend a sympathetic ear.  She is hard working and her interpersonal skills are greatly developed by having worked in this field for most of her career.

Linda McMullin

By her colleagues she would be described as an excellent team player.


Away from the office, Linda enjoys travelling with her partner, going to the races and walking her miniature dachshund.

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